Date: 05/07/13
The link of the study is as follows:
Finding out the answer of the question 'Is the world map revised? If so, how?'
Over the years there has been much debate over the control of land and water bodies by China in Indian territory. In the past there have been many instances where the Indian Government has accused the Chinese authority over breaching the code of conduct. In an article "China’s first 'blue book' on India sees a government in ‘serious crisis’" published in the daily newspaper 'The Hindu', dated 13th May 2013, the reporter Ananth Krishnan talks about the release of the first ever 'blue book' on India released in China. The blue book has expressed concerns over Indian government. It says Indian government is going under serious crisis, however it is optimistic about the fact that India would very soon breaks it shackles and emerges out as a stronger country."
China releases 'blue books' every year on a number of topics. This book projects the thought processes of the Chinese intellectuals but not of the government. The blue book for the first time dealt with India as a topic. This book talks about the growing trend of corruption in India during the time of UPA led government. It also talks about how India in the near future will be of the largest countries to own a big military strength. According to a report published in the year 2011-2012 India had gone through one of the worst economy phases during this period. The link of that article is as follows:
In another article "China details Indian Ocean strategy and interests" written by the same reporter on 'The Hindu', dated 09th June 2013, talks about about China's interest of securing and controlling a major part of Indian Ocean. The link of the article is as follows:
Other than these couple of articles there have been other instances where China has even tried to take control of Arunachal Pradesh, a northeastern state of India. According to a study done by Institute of For Defense Studies and Analyses there is a strong territorial claim of China over Arunachal Pradesh. The paper named 'CHINA’S TERRITORIAL CLAIM ON
ARUNACHAL PRADESH' by Namrata Goswami talks about how the historical relationship between Tawang monastery in Arunachal Pradesh and the Lhasa monastery had brought the argument of China's claim on Arunachal Pradesh. As Tibet is a part of China so according to Chinese logic Arunachal Pradesh should be also a part of China. This concept of controlling the land has given us a new paradigm of topology.The link of the study is as follows:
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